Urinary issues


My male cat had to be taken into the vet when he displayed signs of pain after using the kitty litter. He was found to have crystals, was treated and came home the next day. Now the vet has said I need to feed him specialized canned food for the rest of his life @ $2+ a can I will be paying approx $60 a month on his food alone that doesn’t even cover the female we have…. I love my fur babies but are there other options that won’t kill my wallet?

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Posted by NMICat
Asked on Jul 25, 2019 12:07 pm
Private answer

Thanks for your question. So sorry to hear about your cats urinary troubles, you are certainly not alone with this challenge as FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) is an issue I see commonly! Unfortunately, I do not have a better solution to the diet and ideally, it sounds like he should probably be on it for life, I have 3 male cats and like yours, they are also eating this expensive diet. However, it is one of the best ways to prevent FLUTD from reoccurring.

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Answered on Jul 25, 2019 12:09 pm
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