Need skin treatment advice for pup


Dry skin patches….some raised, some plaque like with hair thinning around those spots? Have tried topical coconut oil foam, different fatty acid and/or emollient shampoo/conditioner combos, olive oil in food…
Wondering if food could be an issue??? Her food has been the same for 9 years, can allergy reactions begin after so long. Frustrated Pup Mom needs some advice, what to try next???

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Posted by Frustrated Pup Mom
Asked on Mar 09, 2019 9:55 am
Private answer

First and foremost, start with flea prevention, monthly and stick to an ON BRAND product eg frontline or the seresto collar, nexgard lf bravecto. Based on your description it sounds like your pet needs a trip to the vet for further evaluation and to determine the underlying cause of the skin issue eg fleas food allergy or environmental allergies or endocrine diseases!

To answer your question, it would be unusual but not unheard of for your pet to develop a food allergy at this point in life. Regardless, food allergies not as common as people think so it important to make an appointment with your vet so your pet can get a work up!

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Answered on Mar 15, 2019 1:47 pm
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