A growth on foot


My 10 year old Golden has developed a growth on his foot. We live in the country and at first I thought it a tick that I had missed. But it does have a few hairs growing in it. It’s soft, dark in color, and looks to be hooked on only one side. We have had financial difficulties recently I have searched for help but can’t find any. One other thing Sparky never touch’s this thing but it doesn’t bother him for me to touch.

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Posted by Nicki
Asked on Aug 15, 2019 12:24 pm
Private answer

Thanks for your question! Any new lumps or bumps should be evaluated by Sparky's vet! They will likely recommend performing a cytology or biopsy to determine what the bump is and what intervention, if any, is necessary!

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Answered on Aug 15, 2019 12:25 pm
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