Mar 15, 2024 | By, For Pet's Sake

Sniffle-free spring: Prepare for pet allergy season 

The sun is shining and flowers are blooming, which means your pet’s desire for more play time and longer walks is at an all-time high. Like their human companions, springtime means more allergies and more colds, which, if left untreated, can lead to prolonged and more serious illnesses. 

Keep spring fever at bay by preparing for allergy season and recognizing common symptoms to keep your pets happy and healthy!  

Pet allergy prevention 

Allergies can happen at any time of the year, but as an extra precaution, owners can follow these tips to keep their pets as healthy as possible. 

Symptoms of pet allergies 

Pets can show several signs of allergies, including: 

If your pet is showing any of the following symptoms, book an appointment with the veterinarian to rule out any serious medical conditions. Your pet may get prescribed medication or supplements to relieve allergy symptoms. Otherwise, know that allergies are common throughout the year and usually harmless, and keeping your pet and their living space clean will have their sinuses clear, coats shiny, and tails wagging! 

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