Feb 28, 2019 | By, For Pet's Sake
Is human food safe for pets? What you need to know.
Maybe it’s the slobber running down your leg. Or the tiny teeth gnawing at your ankles. Perhaps the two paws, rudely propped on the kitchen table.
When it comes to our pets, we all have a weak spot. Sometimes, we just can’t say no to their cute little faces. But at dinner time, barking “no” could save your pet’s life.
Animals metabolize foods differently than humans, meaning our favorite snacks could cause physical and behavioral problems for your fur child. And, if your pet is on a good quality dog or cat food, they should be receiving all of their vital nutrients, eliminating the need for human food.
Certain people foods can make your cat or dog very sick and could even be fatal. Depending on the food and the animal, they could experience seizures, vomiting, coordination problems, coordination problems, breathing issues, weakness, and more. The list goes on and on.
Not to mention, if your dog gets used to eating juicy steaks every night, they might grow averse to their own food or develop a begging habit that’s hard to break. Would you want to go back to eating kibble after a home-cooked meal? Didn’t think so.
Take note of these 11 common toxic foods, and make sure to keep Fido and Fluffy far, far away:
- Caffeinated beverages and foods like chocolate, tea, and coffee
- Xylitol (a sweetener commonly found in gum and candy)
- Onions and garlic
- Alcohol
- Grapes and raisins
- Macadamia nuts
- Raw meat, fish, or eggs
- Baking supplies (think: baking powder, baking soda, sugar, nutmeg, and other spices)
- Citrus fruits
- Yeast dough
- Avocado
If your pet ate a large amount of human food or is showing signs of illness, take them to your veterinarian immediately. And make sure to talk to your veterinarian about what high quality food your pet should be eating and if any supplements are ideal for your pet’s needs.