Mar 01, 2020 | By, For Pet's Sake

Does your pet have spring allergies?

Allergies are an uncomfortable and unwelcome part of life. If you’re allergic to anything, you know that when it’s your season of misery, you constantly need tissues and medicine handy.

But what about your pets? They are susceptible to both seasonal and food allergies too! Seasonal allergies to pollen and grass can be just as problematic for pets as they are for humans.

Unfortunately, your pet can’t tell you when they’re suffering from allergies, at least not with words. But if you’re looking, you can notice some of the signs and symptoms.

The trickiest part about pet allergies is that you often can’t tell what’s causing the allergy symptoms. Seasonal and food allergies can manifest in very similar ways. The wisest choice is to visit your veterinarian to get a professional opinion on which type of allergy your pet has. 

There are a couple of differences that might tip you in the right direction. Food allergies tend to cause skin lesions everywhere on your pet’s body. These allergies also cause symptoms throughout the year.

Seasonal allergies flare up only at certain times or in certain environments. However, seasonal allergies can progress into year-round allergies as your pet ages or is exposed to the allergen more often.

Paying attention to any changes in your pet’s routine could help you figure out what treatment will work best. Ask yourself whether you’ve taken your pet to a lot of fields lately, or whether you’ve given them a new type of food or treat.

Prevention and intervention are the best policies with pet allergies. Fleas can cause allergic reactions, but consistent flea medication will keep those pesky insects away in the first place. As soon as you notice the possible signs of an allergic reaction in a specific environment, you can remove your pet from that environment in the future.

If you can’t limit your pet’s allergies through prevention methods, you can try allergy shots or antihistamines to relieve the symptoms. You may also need antibiotics if the allergy symptoms have caused your pet to develop a skin infection.

Pet allergies are very common, so you’re not alone. The good news is that there are several ways you can fight them so you and your pet can get the most enjoyment out of your playtime together.

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